YOUng Adults
Friday Nights
– 6:30pm
– 1060 Hind Iuka Dr. (across the street from the church)
– Dinner, Fellowship, Life & Bible Discussions
Young Adults Ministry
Gatherings consist of worship nights, thought-provoking discussions, game nights, group fitness, sports, camping trips & plenty of spontaneous hangouts!
Led by Joe & Elise Thompson
ELISE is 34 years old (yikes, we know) and is originally from Southern California. She loves fancy cheese, wine, and roasting on the beach.
JOE is 28 years old (double yikes) and in originally from Maryland. He loves Kraft singles, beer, and pickleball.
Joe & Elise have lived on island for the past 8+ years and they joined Bluewater Mission in 2019.
“Our heart for Bluewater Young Adults is that we can help connect you to other young adults in a genuine way. That we wouldn’t just be the people you see at church, but that you would meet people who you want to invite into your life. Bluewater Young Adults is a wide age-range and we believe that no matter what your age is, that there’s something for you to receive and GIVE to this community. We ask for open minds and a willingness to be stretched out of your comfort zone. If there’s anything we’ve learned in our time leading Bluewater Young Adults, it’s that it’s totally worth it.”
Get Connected!
Joe: (443) 848-0496
Elise: (805) 405-3589